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Written by Carrie Sigler
Published: June 8, 2020

Starting the MSL Program

Well, it’s official - the Strategic Leadership, M.S.L. program at Roberts has begun, and I’m only a few weeks into my first graduate course, Organizational Leadership: Meeting the Challenges of the Future through Servant Leadership. Needless to say, with all that is going on in our world today, we all need a little help “meeting the challenges of the future,” right? It might seem like a coincidence that I am at Roberts taking this specific course right now, but as I reflect, I know there is a greater force at work! 

As I reflect on how I got to this point, I could have never imagined I would be starting grad school in the midst of a pandemic - no one could have made this up! The thought of going back to school alone was crazy enough! Now, not only am I managing graduate-level coursework, I am working from home as a Chief Operating Officer, being my sons' 2nd and 4th-grade teachers, and maintaining all the other roles (personally and professionally) I had taken on before the crisis began! For many, this endeavor couldn't come at a worse time; however, from the beginning of this journey, I felt the gentle nudge of a loving God. I knew in my heart that this was all part of His grand plan to help grow me into the person, wife, mother, and leader He wants me to be.

So, why Roberts and why now? In the months leading up to my 15th anniversary at The Horizon Group, I found myself increasingly dissatisfied and struggling to manage some career-defining conflicts and situations at work. As a result, the confidence I once had in my leadership skills was at an all-time low. These feelings confused me. I couldn't rationalize why my tank was so empty, especially after achieving several of the goals I set out to accomplish early on in my career. So, I prayed for guidance and began to feel that God was allowing this discomfort and conflict to enter my life for a reason. 

After much praying and online research, I stumbled on Roberts Strategic Leadership, M.S.L. program, and it immediately intrigued me - everything from the course modules, the 18-month schedule, and my campus visit solidified my belief that this program was an ideal fit for me and my current place in life. However, I was hesitant as I wrestled with the time commitment that would be necessary. Up to this point, I had resolved in my mind that pursuing higher education for myself would come when “empty nest” syndrome set in later in life. But this is when God stepped in and opened my eyes to realize a small two-year window of opportunity to make it happen. At this point, it became evident that God was leading me to Roberts and all the doors began to open. 

Fast-forward with me about nine months, and here I am today - just three weeks into my grad school journey. I can honestly say I've already experienced significant personal growth, energy, and added confidence from professors like Dr. Hooman and Dr. Walker. In just a few weeks, I have gained knowledge, perspective, and useful tools that I'm able to apply in both my life and my career as a leader. God is already providing – He is good! 

So, as I embark on this journey, I'm excited to do it alongside you. I have never written a blog before, and while I am a little nervous, I can't wait to see how this plan unfolds and look forward to sharing my journey and insights in this blog! I know the things I am going to learn on this journey will not only prepare me for future opportunities but will also allow me to share what I learn along the way. I can only imagine what is in store for me and you. After all, this isn't my plan, but I am confident God is leading me all the way and I hope you will follow us!

Carrie Sigler, MSL ‘21
Chief Operating Officer
The Horizon Group

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Business Leadership Carrie Sigler

Carrie Sigler

Written by Carrie Sigler

After serving several years as Operations Manager and COO of The Horizon Group, Carrie has stepped into the role of Associate Advisor with aspirations and a plan to quickly become the firm’s first female Financial Advisor. Her behind the scenes experience supporting advisors in the firm and familiarity with the Horizon Group’s processes, history and clientele give her the unique ability to assume new responsibilities and build the company forward to serve future generations. In addition to her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Keuka College, Carrie is working towards her Masters in Strategic Leadership with an anticipated completion of Fall of 2021. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, kayaking, and camping with her husband and two sons, as well as, volunteering and serving at her church and boys’ school.