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Ready to Make a Difference?

Social justice is about more than human rights, it's centered on our responsibility to care for individuals and communities.

At Roberts Wesleyan University we have a legacy of social justice dating back to abolition and women's suffrage with our founder B.T. Roberts. It’s from this foundation we train our Social Work students to tackle the hardest issues of our day while doing it with grace, compassion, and love for all people.


The Bachelor of Social Work is designed for adult learners and will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to begin your social work career. Our generalist approach prepares graduates to work in a variety of jobs. Those who are interested in making a positive difference in their community and creating social change should consider social work for a fulfilling career path. Complete your Bachelor's degree in Social Work (BSW) in as few as 21 - 32 months (part-time or full-time) taking one or two 8-week evening classes onsite.


NOTE: Advanced Standing Option is an accelerated option for students with a Bachelor’s in Social Work.

The Master of Social Work Program builds on a foundation of generalist social work knowledge and skills to provide a specialized focus through two concentrations: Mental Health and Child/Family Services.  Students engage with expert faculty through a stimulating curriculum that provokes critical thinking and encourages self-awareness while learning to master requisite graduate-level social work competencies.  Courses are taught in a 15-week semester format and are offered in the afternoons, evenings, and online to accommodate the needs of adult learners. Students have the flexibility to complete the program fully online, in-person, or through a combination of both formats.

If you are ready to make a difference...


Thanks for your interest in Roberts!

I can help answer any questions you have about your program of interest and the admissions process. Feel free to call, text, email me or schedule a quick 15-minute appointment - just click one of the appointment buttons below to find a time that works for you!


Laurie Couch
Enrollment Counselor | Psychology & Social Work
Adult & Graduate Enrollment
585.454.9262 (call/text)* | couch_laurie@roberts.edu

Schedule Appointment

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We know how hard things have been during the pandemic, especially for our adult students who have new responsibilities, and in some cases even loss of regular employment. In response to the challenges, Roberts has made a decision not to increase tuition for adult degree completion and master’s programs in 2021-22. So, the Time is Now to Finish at Roberts.


*By sending a text message to a Roberts text number you are authorizing text messages to your mobile number and understand that message and data rates may apply.