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Help a friend earn a degree at Roberts with our $1,000 Referral Grant!

Know someone who would make a great teacher or someone who needs to complete professional certification?

TED-Referral-Fleece.jpgRefer a friend and they will get a $1,000 grant and you will receive a Roberts' Teacher Education branded Eddie Bauer fleece for supporting Roberts if they enroll. Check out the picture and start spreading the news! (See details for grant below).

Thanks again for helping us find great people and great teachers!

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Nielsen_Kristen.jpgKristen Nielsen
Recruitment Manager | Teacher Education
585.594.6562 | Nielsen_Kristen@roberts.edu

*REFERRAL GRANT DETAILS: The $1000 Referral Grant is available to anyone referred to any Roberts Wesleyan College Adult & Graduate Education programs (see list of qualifying programs). Grant recipients must be enrolled fulltime and must indicate a referral name and contact information during the admissions process to receive the grant. Failure to do so during the admissions process (before being enrolled) will make the grant invalid. All grant awards will be applied and distributed evenly by our financial aid office over the total number of terms in the program. Roberts Wesleyan College reserves the right to change, modify and nullify this grant at any time. For questions or more information, please contact the recruiter listed in this email.